印度发生的多起严重侵害儿童的性暴力案件,突显了人们日益关切的一个问题。 Multiple cases of severe sexual violence against children in India highlight a growing concern.
在北方邦,一名14岁的女孩报告说,她祖父、父亲和叔叔强奸了她数月,导致她怀孕。 In Uttar Pradesh, a 14-year-old girl reported her grandfather, father, and uncle for raping her over several months, leading to her pregnancy. 警方逮捕了被告,并根据《POCSO法》登记了一个案件。 The police have arrested the accused and registered a case under the POCSO Act. 在另一起事件中,3名6至7岁的男孩被指控在Anganwadi强奸一名3岁女孩,在Faridabad,1名55岁的男子因性攻击一名8岁女孩而被捕。 In another incident, three boys aged 6-7 were booked for allegedly raping a 3-year-old girl at an anganwadi, and in Faridabad, a 55-year-old man was arrested for sexually assaulting an 8-year-old girl. 这些案件突显了印度严重侵害儿童的性暴力。 These cases highlight severe sexual violence against children in India.