美国 驻印度大使Eric Garcetti在德里大使馆庆祝迪瓦利, U.S. Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, celebrated Diwali at the Delhi embassy with a Bollywood dance.
美国 U.S. 驻印度大使埃里克·加塞蒂 (Eric Garcetti) 在德里大使馆庆祝排灯节,他随着宝莱坞歌曲“Tauba Tauba”跳舞。 Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, celebrated Diwali at the embassy in Delhi by dancing to the Bollywood song "Tauba Tauba." 他的生动表现在网络上得到了积极的反应,突显了他自任命以来对接受印度文化的承诺。 His lively performance, which garnered positive reactions online, highlights his commitment to embracing Indian culture since his appointment. 除迪瓦利外,加塞蒂还参加了印度的各种节日和传统,加强了美国和印度之间的文化联系。 In addition to Diwali, Garcetti has participated in various Indian festivals and traditions, strengthening cultural ties between the U.S. and India.