美国驻卡拉奇总领事以传统服饰和问候庆祝信德文化日。 US Consul General in Karachi celebrates Sindh Culture Day with traditional attire and greetings.
美国总领事斯科特·乌尔邦(Scott Urbom)和他的团队在卡拉奇庆祝信德文化日, US Consul General Scott Urbom and his team in Karachi celebrated Sindh Culture Day by sharing greetings in Sindhi and wearing traditional attire like Ajrak shawls and Sindhi caps. 该日每年在12月的第一个星期日举办,重点介绍信德省丰富的文化遗产。 The day, observed annually on the first Sunday of December, highlights Sindh's rich cultural heritage. 州长Mohammed Kamran Khan也祝贺信德人,强调维护他们独特的传统和价值观的重要性。 Governor Mohammed Kamran Khan also congratulated the people of Sindh, emphasizing the importance of preserving their unique traditions and values.