美国大使埃里克·加塞蒂(Eric Garcetti)强调拜登(Biden)和莫迪(Modi)统治下的美国与印度关系取得了创纪录的成就。 US Ambassador Eric Garcetti highlights record achievements in US-India relations under Biden and Modi.
美国驻印度大使Eric Garcetti赞扬了美国与印度之间的牢固关系, US Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, praised the strong relationship between the US and India, noting it has reached new heights under PM Modi and President Biden. 在签证发放、贸易、国防、空间、学生交流和投资方面已经实现了创纪录的里程碑。 Record milestones have been achieved in visa issuance, trade, defense, space, student exchanges, and investments. 这一伙伴关系可追溯到1776年,现已扩大,美国现在在印度有七个职位,其中包括最近在孟加拉古拉邦成立的领事馆。 The partnership, dating back to 1776, has expanded, with the US now having seven posts in India, including a recently inaugurated consulate in Bengaluru.