在迪拜的数千名印度人庆祝Diwali, 展示印度与阿联酋的文化统一。 Thousands of Indians in Dubai celebrate Diwali, showcasing cultural unity between India and the UAE.
在迪拜的数千名印度人在Zabeel公园庆祝Diwali, 展出文化表演、音乐表演及向印度对阿联酋经济的贡献者致敬。 Thousands of Indians in Dubai celebrated Diwali at Zabeel Park, featuring cultural displays, musical performances, and tributes to Indian contributors to the UAE economy. 这次活动由阿联酋爱印度组织,得到阿联酋政府的支持,吸引了阿联酋宽容部长和印度大使等关键人物。 The event, organized by Emirates Loves India and supported by the UAE Government, drew key figures like UAE's Minister of Tolerance and India's Ambassador. 庆祝活动突显了印度与阿联酋之间的牢固联系和文化和谐。 The celebration highlighted the strong ties and cultural harmony between India and the UAE.