金融专家马丁·刘易斯 (Martin Lewis) 分享了一个基于年龄的简单公式来评估养老金缴款是否充足,并强调了早期开始的好处。 Financial expert Martin Lewis shares a simple age-based equation to assess pension contribution adequacy, emphasizing the benefit of early starting.
金融专家马丁·刘易斯 (Martin Lewis) 分享了一个简单的等式,用一个人的年龄来评估他们的养老金缴款是否足以形成稳健的退休基金。 Martin Lewis, a financial expert, has shared a simple equation using a person's age to assess if their pension contributions are sufficient for a robust retirement fund. 在他的播客中,他表示,这个等式虽然不是特别准确,但可以帮助听众理解早点开始是有益的。 On his podcast, he stated that the equation, while not particularly accurate, can help listeners understand that starting early is beneficial. 这个等式是取一个人开始缴纳养老金时的年龄的一半,然后以此数字作为其收入的百分比来缴纳养老金。 The equation involves taking half of a person's age when they start contributing to their pension and using that number as the percentage of their income to contribute to their pension.