64%的50-59岁者寻求有针对性的退休支助,见Aegon的“第二个50”报告。 64% of individuals aged 50-59 seek targeted retirement support, per Aegon's report "The Second 50".
64%的50-59岁人士在接近退休时寻求有针对性的支持。 Aegon's report, "The Second 50: Navigating a Multi-Stage Life," reveals that 64% of individuals aged 50-59 seek targeted support as they approach retirement. 这项支助旨在加强个人化的财务指导,缩小基本信息和全面咨询之间的差距。 This support aims to enhance personalized financial guidance, bridging the gap between basic information and comprehensive advice. Aegon概述了有效支助的五项关键原则,并强调需要解决接近退休者的咨询差距问题。 Aegon outlines five key principles for effective support and emphasizes the need to address the advice gap for those nearing retirement. 调查结果是根据2024年7月进行的一项调查得出的。 The findings are based on a survey conducted in July 2024.