6家大型娱乐公司计划在2024年将内容支出增加9%, 6 major entertainment companies plan to increase content spending by 9% in 2024, allocating $40bn to streaming services.
六大娱乐公司 迪士尼,康卡斯特,谷歌,华纳兄弟 The "Big 6" entertainment companies—Disney, Comcast, Google, Warner Bros. 预计 2024 年,Discovery、Netflix 和 Paramount 将在内容上花费 1260 亿美元,比上一年增长 9%。 Discovery, Netflix, and Paramount—are projected to spend $126 billion on content in 2024, a 9% increase from the previous year. 这一数额将占全球内容支出的51%。 This amount will account for 51% of global content spending. 值得注意的是,400 亿美元将用于他们的流媒体服务,原创内容占总支出的 45%。 Notably, $40 billion will be directed toward their streaming services, with original content making up 45% of the total expenditure. 尽管存在挑战,随着公司完善其战略,增长预计将稳定下来。 Despite challenges, growth is expected to stabilize as firms refine their strategies.