27岁的加拿大男子Haptei John Kozak在蒙大拿监狱被判处18个月监禁,罪名是欺诈性地购买枪支在加拿大出售。 27-year-old Canadian man, Haptei John Kozak, was sentenced to 18 months in Montana prison for fraudulently buying guns to sell in Canada.
Haptei John Kozak,27岁,来自公元前克洛纳省Kelowana, 因使用假身份购买在加拿大转售的火器,被判处在蒙大拿监狱服刑18个月。 Haptei John Kozak, 27, from Kelowna, B.C., was sentenced to 18 months in a Montana prison for using fake identities to buy firearms intended for resale in Canada. 他对火器交易期间作虚假陈述的四项指控认罪。 He pleaded guilty to four counts of making false statements during firearm transactions. 此外,Kozak被处以罚款10 000美元,被监督释放三年,并被命令没收12支枪支。 Additionally, Kozak was fined $10,000, given three years of supervised release, and ordered to forfeit 12 guns. 当局强调了对黑市枪支助长枪支暴力的关切。 Authorities highlighted concerns over black-market firearms contributing to gun violence.