前联邦调查局特工Scott Chiang,皇后区,因持有非法火器,包括“鬼枪”而被捕,面临多项指控,并可能被判处25年徒刑。 Ex-FBI agent Scott Chiang, Queens, arrested for possessing illegal firearms, including "ghost guns", faces multiple charges and a potential 25-year sentence.
来自纽约皇后区的前联邦调查局特工斯科特·蒋 (Scott Chiang) 因拥有非法枪支库而被捕,其中包括“幽灵枪”。 Scott Chiang, a former FBI agent from Queens, New York, was arrested for possessing an arsenal of illegal firearms, including "ghost guns." 当局在搜查他家和储藏室时发现了18件武器,如突击步枪和高容量弹夹。 Authorities found 18 weapons, such as assault rifles and high-capacity magazines, during searches of his home and a storage unit. 他面临多项指控,包括非法持有武器和危害儿童,可能被判处25年监禁。 He faces multiple charges, including criminal possession of a weapon and endangering a child, with a potential 25-year prison sentence. 逮捕他突出显示,目前正在努力打击该地区非法持有枪支的行为。 His arrest highlights ongoing efforts to combat illegal gun possession in the area.