10名克里斯洛夫爆炸受害者家属与司法部长会面,要求进行公众调查。 10 Creeslough explosion victims' families meet Justice Minister for public inquiry demand.
2022年10月7日爱尔兰克里斯洛夫爆炸案的十名受害者家属与司法部长Helen McEntee及其他官员会面,主张公开调查悲剧的非犯罪因素。 Families of the ten victims from the Creeslough explosion in Ireland on October 7, 2022, met with Justice Minister Helen McEntee and other officials to advocate for a public inquiry into non-criminal factors of the tragedy. 爆炸发生在Apple绿色服务站,造成4名男子、3名妇女和3名儿童丧生。 The explosion, which occurred at an Applegreen service station, claimed the lives of four men, three women, and three children. 这些家庭寻求由法官领导的法定调查,以便在警方正在进行的调查之外提供结案和答复。 The families seek a statutory inquiry led by a judge to provide closure and answers beyond the ongoing police investigation.