由于正在进行的输油管更换方案,芝加哥15年供暖费用可能几乎增加一倍。 15-year heating cost in Chicago may nearly double due to ongoing pipeline replacement program.
一份报告指出,如果人民天然气管道更换方案取得进展,芝加哥的供暖费用在今后15年内将几乎翻一番。 A report indicates that heating costs in Chicago could nearly double over the next 15 years if the Peoples Gas pipeline replacement program proceeds. 最初估计为20亿美元,费用猛增至近110亿美元,只完成了38%。 Initially estimated at $2 billion, costs have surged to nearly $11 billion with only 38% completed. 到2040年完成该项目可能需要增加128亿美元,可能使年平均家庭帐单从1 206美元增加到2 424美元。 Completing the project by 2040 may require an additional $12.8 billion, potentially raising average annual household bills from $1,206 to $2,424. 电力选择可以将账单进一步增加到3 437美元。 Electric options could increase bills further to $3,437.