斯坦福大学教授罗恩·古特曼 (Ron Gutman) 访问不丹,研究不丹对幸福感和正念的“国民幸福总值”强调。 Stanford professor Ron Gutman visits Bhutan to study its "Gross National Happiness" emphasis on well-being and mindfulness.
斯坦福大学教授罗恩·古特曼 (Ron Gutman) 于 2024 年前往不丹,通过其“国民幸福总值”原则探索该国对幸福的重视。 Stanford professor Ron Gutman traveled to Bhutan in 2024 to explore the nation's emphasis on happiness through its principle of "Gross National Happiness." 他发现,不丹将福祉置于经济增长之上,并强调通常与自然相关的正念。 He found that Bhutan prioritizes well-being over economic growth and emphasizes mindfulness, often linked to nature. Gutman 指出,这种方法允许植根于强烈道德和伦理信念的可持续发展,这表明它为平衡进步与核心价值观提供了宝贵的经验教训。 Gutman noted that this approach allows for sustainable development rooted in strong moral and ethical beliefs, suggesting it offers valuable lessons for balancing progress with core values.