芬兰连续七年蝉联全球最幸福国家。 Finland remains the world's happiest country for seven consecutive years.
根据联合国主办的《世界幸福报告》,芬兰连续第七年被评为世界上最幸福的国家。 Finland has been named the world's happiest country for the seventh consecutive year, according to the UN-sponsored World Happiness Report. 丹麦、冰岛和瑞典等北欧国家也跻身前十。 Nordic countries, including Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden, also ranked within the top 10. 相比之下,阿富汗由于人道主义危机仍然垫底。 In contrast, Afghanistan remains at the bottom of the list due to its humanitarian crisis. 美国和德国不再跻身最幸福的20个国家之列,分别排名第23位和第24位。 The U.S. and Germany are no longer among the 20 happiest nations, ranking 23rd and 24th respectively. 芬兰的高生活满意度归因于其与自然的紧密联系、健康的工作与生活平衡、强大的福利社会、对国家当局的信任以及低水平的腐败。 Finland's high life satisfaction is attributed to its close connection to nature, healthy work-life balance, strong welfare society, trust in state authorities, and low levels of corruption.