埃塞俄比亚梅凯勒康复中心免费治疗提格雷战争受害者。 Rehabilitation center in Mekele, Ethiopia, treats Tigray war victims for free.
埃塞俄比亚麦克莱的一个康复中心是为2022年11月结束的提格莱战争的受害者提供了重要资源. A rehabilitation center in Mekele, Ethiopia, serves as a vital resource for victims of the Tigray war, which ended in November 2022. 该设施是该国唯一的免费康复中心,不加歧视地治疗士兵和平民,提供医疗护理和身心伤害支助。 The facility, the only free rehab center in the country, treats both soldiers and civilians without discrimination, providing medical care and support for physical and psychological injuries. 尽管冲突造成60多万人死亡,100多万人流离失所,但中心仍然致力于援助受影响者。 Despite the conflict's devastating toll—over 600,000 dead and more than one million displaced—the center remains committed to aiding those affected.