国际专家举行会议,讨论中亚冲突地区返回者重返社会的问题。 International experts met to discuss reintegration of returnees from conflict zones in Central Asia.
来自中亚、欧安组织、联合国和民间社会的40多名代表于11月27日举行第二次中亚区域专家理事会会议,重点讨论来自冲突地区的返回者重返社会的问题。 Over 40 representatives from Central Asia, the OSCE, UN, and civil society met on November 27 for the second Central Asia Regional Expert Council (REC) meeting, focusing on reintegration of returnees from conflict zones. 2024年5月启动,REC强调民间社会方案、对性别和年龄的敏感性、法律框架和能力建设。 Launched in May 2024, REC emphasizes civil society programs, gender and age sensitivity, legal frameworks, and capacity building. 由于这些努力,已有2 100多名回返者重返社会。 Over 2,100 returnees have reintegrated thanks to these efforts. 会议由乌兹别克机构、欧安组织和联合国机构共同组织。 The meeting was co-organized by Uzbek institutions, OSCE, and UN agencies.