10月16日,纽卡斯尔的Benwell发生房屋爆炸,造成2人死亡,包括一名7岁儿童,消防服务受到挑战;6人住院,1人受重伤。 地方对受影响家庭的支助仍在继续。 A house explosion in Benwell, Newcastle on 16 Oct killed 2, including a 7-year-old, and challenged fire services; 6 hospitalized, 1 seriously injured. Local support for affected families ongoing.
10月16日,纽卡斯尔的本韦尔、纽卡斯尔的Violet Close发生房屋爆炸,造成两人死亡,包括一名7岁男孩。 A house explosion in Violet Close, Benwell, Newcastle, on October 16, resulted in the deaths of two individuals, including a seven-year-old boy. 这一事件被贴上Tyne和Wear消防救援处近年来面临的最大挑战的标签。 This incident has been labeled the most challenging faced by the Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service in recent years. 在对死因进行调查期间,另有6人住院治疗,1人仍受重伤。 While investigations into the cause are ongoing, six others were hospitalized, with one person remaining seriously injured. 目前正在为流离失所家庭开展地方支助工作。 Local support efforts are underway for displaced families.