45 岁的柯蒂斯·史密斯 (Curtis Smith) 因 2022 年在尤金发生的致命车祸而被捕,被指控犯有过失杀人和袭击罪。 45-year-old Curtis Smith arrested for fatal 2022 crash in Eugene, charged with manslaughter and assault.
45 岁的柯蒂斯·德韦恩·史密斯 (Curtis Dewayne Smith) 于 2024 年 10 月 25 日在俄勒冈州尤金被捕,与 2022 年 6 月 26 日的致命车祸有关。 Curtis Dewayne Smith, 45, was arrested on October 25, 2024, in Eugene, Oregon, linked to a fatal crash from June 26, 2022. Smith高速驾驶道奇2500小卡车,与62岁的Diane Marie Davis丰田RAV4相撞,造成她女儿和一名乘客死伤。 Smith, driving a Dodge 2500 pickup at high speed, collided with 62-year-old Diane Marie Davis's Toyota RAV4, resulting in her death and injuries to her daughter and a passenger. Smith面临二等杀人罪、三等攻击罪和四等攻击罪的指控。 Smith faces charges of Manslaughter in the Second Degree, Assault in the Third Degree, and Assault in the Fourth Degree. 2024年9月签发了逮捕证。 A warrant had been issued in September 2024.