37 岁的里奇·雷德 (Ricky Raider) 因 2023 年在 75 号州际公路上撞死劳伦·柯林斯 (Lauren Collins) 而遭指控。 37-year-old Ricky Raider charged for 2023 hit-and-run death of Lauren Collins on Interstate 75.
2023 年,37 岁的里奇·雷德 (Ricky Raider) 在 75 号州际公路上用卡车轮胎撞上 18 岁的劳伦·柯林斯 (Lauren Collins) 的车,导致后者死亡。他因此面临指控。 37-year-old Ricky Raider faces charges over the 2023 death of 18-year-old Lauren Collins after a tire from his truck struck her car on Interstate 75. 袭击者逃离了现场,但后来在与狱友的监狱电话录音中承认了这一事件。 Raider fled the scene, but later admitted to the incident during a recorded jail phone call with a fellow inmate. 他现在面临的指控是逃离事故现场/未能对死亡或严重身体伤害提供救助以及惯犯重罪。 He now faces charges of leaving the scene of an accident/failure to render aid with death or serious physical injury and persistent felony offender.