18 岁的蔡斯·琼斯 (Chase Jones) 在西雅图郊区伦顿 (Renton) 发生四起车祸,导致一名妇女和三名儿童死亡,被指控犯有四项车辆杀人罪。 18-year-old Chase Jones charged with four counts of vehicular homicide in Renton, Seattle suburb, for a four-car crash that killed a woman and three children.
18 岁的蔡斯·丹尼尔·琼斯 (Chase Daniel Jones) 在西雅图郊区伦顿 (Renton) 造成四车相撞,导致一名妇女安德里亚·史密斯·哈德森 (Andrea Smith Hudson) 和三名儿童死亡,被指控犯有四项车辆杀人罪。 18-year-old Chase Daniel Jones charged with four counts of vehicular homicide for causing a four-car crash in Renton, a Seattle suburb, resulting in the death of a woman, Andrea Smith Hudson, and three children. 琼斯还面临两项车辆袭击罪和一项鲁莽驾驶罪,目前以 100 万美元保释。 Jones, who also faces two counts of vehicular assault and one count of reckless driving, is being held on $1 million bail. 该事件导致四人受伤,其中包括哈德森的两个孩子。 The incident left four others injured, including two of Hudson's children.