Jury发现俄勒冈州卡车司机在2023年的致命车祸中 有罪 那次车祸杀死了7名农场工人 Jury finds Oregon truck driver guilty in deadly 2023 crash that killed seven farmworkers.
俄勒冈州陪审团发现54岁的卡车司机林肯·史密斯(Lincoln Smith)犯有7项二级过失杀人罪, A jury in Oregon found Lincoln Smith, a 54-year-old truck driver, guilty of seven counts of second-degree manslaughter and reckless driving for a 2023 crash on Interstate 5 that killed seven farmworkers. Smith因在影响下驾车而被无罪开释,但甲基苯丙胺、芬太尼和吗啡的检测结果呈阳性。 Smith was acquitted of driving under the influence but tested positive for methamphetamine, fentanyl, and morphine. Smith的半卡车撞到奥尔巴尼附近的一辆停着的面包车时,发生了车祸,这是州里最致命的一次事故。 The crash, one of the state's deadliest, occurred when Smith's semi-truck hit a parked van near Albany. 判刑的细节尚待确定。 Sentencing details are pending.