多伦多市中心的一辆可疑车辆向一所学校开枪,一人被捕,另一人越狱。 A suspect vehicle in a downtown Toronto shooting crashes into a school, one arrested, another escapes.
一辆与多伦多市中心枪击案有关的可疑车辆造成一名男子重伤,撞入Etobicoke的Dixon Grove中学并点燃。 A suspect vehicle linked to a downtown Toronto shooting, which left one man seriously injured, crashed into Dixon Grove Middle School in Etobicoke and ignited. 两人逃离现场;一人被捕并被送往医院,另一人步行逃跑。 Two individuals fled the scene; one was arrested and taken to the hospital, while the other escaped on foot. 警察在逮捕期间收缴了火器。 Police recovered a firearm during the arrest. 嫌疑人的身份仍未披露,无法确定是否将提出指控。 The identities of the suspects remain undisclosed, and it is uncertain if charges will be filed.