警方搜捕两名嫌犯,他们拿枪指向加拿大的一所学校,并开枪射击,导致封锁。 Police search for two suspects who brought a gun to a Canadian school and fired it, causing a lockdown.
警方正在搜查两名嫌疑人,据称他们带枪到加拿大Etobicoke的Silverthorn Collegiate研究所,并于星期二下午在楼梯间开枪。 Police are searching for two suspects who allegedly brought a gun to Silverthorn Collegiate Institute in Etobicoke, Canada, and fired it inside a stairwell on Tuesday afternoon. 事件发生在下午4时左右,导致学校被封锁。 The incident occurred around 4 p.m., leading to a school lockdown. 没有报告有人受伤,嫌疑人逃离现场。 No injuries were reported, and the suspects fled the scene. 多伦多警察的枪支和帮派股正在进行调查,学校将在星期三增加警力和支援人员。 The Toronto Police's Guns and Gangs unit is investigating, and the school will have increased police presence and support staff available on Wednesday.