英格兰和威尔士的生育率创下历史新高,为每名妇女1.44个子女,是1938年以来最低的。 2023 fertility rate in England & Wales hit record low of 1.44 children per woman, the lowest since 1938.
根据国家统计局的资料,2023年,英格兰和威尔士的生育率降至历史最低水平,每名妇女生育1.44个孩子。 In 2023, the fertility rate in England and Wales fell to a record low of 1.44 children per woman, according to the Office for National Statistics. 这是自1938年开始记录以来最低的,活产总数为591,072人,是1977年以来最少的。 This is the lowest since records began in 1938, with live births totaling 591,072, the fewest since 1977. 生育率下降反映了生育率下降的全球大趋势。 The decline reflects a broader global trend of decreasing fertility rates. 母亲的平均年龄稳定在30.9岁,而父亲的平均年龄略有上升。 The average age of mothers remained stable at 30.9, while fathers' average age slightly increased.