日本银行行长承认,在7月出乎意料的增长率上升导致市场下滑之后,需要改善沟通。 Bank of Japan Governor acknowledges need for better communication after a surprise rate hike in July contributed to market downturn.
日本银行行长Kazuo Ueda承认,在7月突然利率上升的批评导致市场下滑之后,有必要改善与市场的沟通。 Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda has acknowledged the need for improved communication with markets following criticism of a surprise interest rate hike in July, which contributed to a market downturn. 日本央行正在探索澄清其信息传递的策略,可能会增加媒体参与度以防止未来出现意外。 The BOJ is exploring strategies to clarify its messaging, potentially increasing media engagements to prevent future surprises. 然而,决策者之间的不同解释可能会使统一沟通办法复杂化,因为预计还会进一步提高费率。 However, differing interpretations among policymakers may complicate a unified communication approach as further rate hikes are anticipated.