阿拉斯加的斯普勒山增加了地震活动, 将警戒水平从绿色提高到黄色。 Alaska's Mount Spurr increases seismic activity, raising its alert level from green to yellow.
阿拉斯加的斯普勒山显示地震活动增加,促使阿拉斯加火山观测站将其警戒水平从绿色提高到黄色。 Alaska's Mount Spurr has shown increased seismic activity, prompting the Alaska Volcano Observatory to raise its alert level from green to yellow. 虽然已探测到几起小型地震,但专家强调,这并不意味着即将发生火山爆发。 While several small earthquakes have been detected, experts stress that this does not signal an imminent eruption. 该观察站正在利用各种工具密切监测情况。 The observatory is closely monitoring the situation using various tools. 斯普尔山上一次喷发是在 1992 年,经过 39 年的休眠,位于安克雷奇以西 75 英里处。 Mount Spurr last erupted in 1992 after a 39-year dormancy and is located 75 miles west of Anchorage.