伊利诺伊州中部居民由于干燥土壤的稀释物和缺水降水而长期出现不愉快的气味。 Central Illinois residents experience persistent unpleasant odor attributed to dry soil's petrichor and deficit precipitation.
中伊利诺伊州居民自9月以来就一直与一种持续、令人不快的气味作斗争,这种气味被描述为恶作剧和恶臭般的气味。 Residents in Central Illinois have been grappling with a persistent, unpleasant odor since September, described as rancid and barf-like. 这些理论最初与当地水处理或农业来源有关,但被驳斥。 Initially linked to local water treatment or agricultural sources, these theories were dismissed. 该州气候学家特伦特·福特 (Trent Ford) 将这种气味归因于 petrichor,这是一种从干燥土壤中释放出来的自然气味。 State climatologist Trent Ford attributes the smell to petrichor, a natural scent released from dry soil. 该地区今年秋天的两英寸降水短缺助长了这种气味的持久性,影响到布隆明顿和尚佩因等城镇。 The region's two-inch precipitation deficit this autumn has contributed to the odor's persistence, impacting towns like Bloomington and Champaign.