马萨诸塞州Lawrence是州里最肮脏的城市, 根据各种因素在美国排名第36位。 LawnStarter ranks Lawrence, Massachusetts, as the dirtiest city in the state and 36th in the U.S. based on various factors.
在马萨诸塞州劳伦斯市名列美国最肮脏的城市第36位。 LawnStarter, a lawn care service company, has ranked Lawrence, Massachusetts, as the dirtiest city in the state and 36th among the dirtiest in the US. 排名的依据是污染、生活条件、基础设施和居民不满意等因素。 The ranking is based on factors including pollution, living conditions, infrastructure, and resident dissatisfaction. 对美国500个最大城市的数据进行了分析,最后抽样中包括303个城市。 Data from 500 of the largest US cities were analyzed, with 303 cities included in the final sample. 劳伦斯在所有类别的欠佳分数 都促成了它的排名。 Lawrence's poor scores in all categories contributed to its ranking.