UCLA研究显示,与肠道炎症和低抗炎细菌有关的歧视联系。 UCLA study shows discrimination links to gut inflammation and lower anti-inflammatory bacteria.
加州大学洛杉矶分校在《微生物生物学前沿》发表的一项研究显示,歧视可能导致压力、损害直肠健康并助长发炎细菌。 A UCLA study published in Frontiers in Microbiology reveals that discrimination can lead to stress, impairing gut health and fostering inflammation-promoting bacteria. 研究人员分析了154名成年人的便样本, 发现那些表示有很高的歧视的人, 抗炎细菌Prevotella的含量较低, Ruminococcus的含量较高. Analyzing stool samples from 154 adults, researchers found that those reporting high discrimination had lower levels of the anti-inflammatory bacterium Prevotella and higher levels of Ruminococcus. 调查结果表明,歧视可能对肠胃微生物产生消极影响,影响总体健康,并突出表明需要采取保健公平举措。 The findings suggest that discrimination may negatively affect the gut microbiome, influencing overall health and highlighting the need for health equity initiatives.