LinkedIn核查了5 500多万用户,以打击错误信息,到2025年将目标对准1亿用户。 LinkedIn verifies over 55 million users to combat misinformation, targeting 100 million by 2025.
LinkedIn已经核实了超过5 500万用户,以打击AI产生的错误信息,使其成为主要社交网络用户核查的领导者。 LinkedIn has verified over 55 million users in a bid to combat AI-generated misinformation, making it a leader in user verification among major social networks. 自由核查程序于2023年4月启动,利用Clear和Primana等伙伴提交公司电子邮件和身份证。 Launched in April 2023, the free verification process utilizes corporate emails and ID submissions through partners like Clear and Persona. LinkedIn旨在到2025年认证1亿用户,增强对平台的信任,同时核查职位名单和公司网页。 LinkedIn aims to authenticate 100 million users by 2025, enhancing trust on the platform while also verifying job listings and company pages. 经核实的概况显示,参与程度有所提高。 Verified profiles see increased engagement.