LinkedIn因指称未经授权共享AI培训用户信息而面临诉讼。 LinkedIn faces lawsuit over alleged unauthorized sharing of user messages for AI training.
LinkedIn正面临其Premium用户的诉讼,这些用户声称该平台未经同意与第三方分享其私人信息,以便进行AI培训。 LinkedIn is facing a lawsuit from its Premium users who allege that the platform shared their private messages with third parties for AI training without consent. 在加州提起诉讼的LinkedIn在8月引入了一个隐私设置,允许用户控制数据共享,但在9月更新了其政策,指出即使用户选择退出,数据仍可用于AI培训。 The lawsuit, filed in California, claims LinkedIn introduced a privacy setting in August that allowed users to control data sharing, but updated its policy in September to state that data could still be used for AI training even if users opted out. LinkedIn否认这些指控,称其为“无根据的虚假主张”。 LinkedIn denies the allegations, calling them "false claims with no merit." 该诉讼要求因违反合同和侵犯隐私而获得损害赔偿。 The suit seeks damages for breach of contract and privacy violations.