2017年启动的爱尔兰帮助购买计划有118 080份申请,但只有175份每周申请得到确认。 2017-launched Ireland Help to Buy scheme had 118,080 applications, but only 175 weekly applications resulted in confirmed purchases.
2017年启动的爱尔兰 " 帮助购买(HTB) " 奖励措施旨在支持首次购房者,对500 000欧元以下的房产退还高达10%的税款。 The Help to Buy (HTB) incentive in Ireland, launched in 2017, aims to support first-time home buyers with tax refunds of up to 10% on properties under €500,000. 自启动以来,共有118 080份申请,平均每周124份申请。 Since inception, there have been 118,080 applications, averaging 124 claims per week. 然而,只有175份每周申请来自准备购买的个人。 However, only 175 weekly applications are from individuals ready to purchase. Fine Gael每周要求500名受益人,这说明实际数据有误,因为许多申请并不反映经确认的采购。 Fine Gael's claim of 500 beneficiaries weekly misrepresents the actual data, as many applications do not reflect confirmed purchases.