8月,爱尔兰按揭批准额上升2.6%,达到4 650份,首次买主占61.5%。 In August, Irish mortgage approvals rose 2.6% to 4,650, with first-time buyers dominating at 61.5%.
8月,爱尔兰的抵押贷款批准额增至4 650项,比前一年增加2.6%,总额近14亿欧元。 In August, mortgage approvals in Ireland rose to 4,650, a 2.6% increase from the previous year, totaling nearly €1.4 billion. 第一次买家占主导地位,占批准额的61.5%,到8月为止的一年中,创历史新高,近5万人。 First-time buyers dominated, accounting for 61.5% of approvals, with a record high of nearly 50,000 in the year to August. 尽管与7月份相比下降了12.5%,但随着房主在固定利率期末的结束,贷款转换的数量急剧增加. Despite a 12.5% decrease from July, loan switching surged as homeowners near the end of fixed-rate periods. 然而,由于缺乏二手财产,对搬运商-购买者的核准减少。 However, approvals for mover-purchasers declined due to a lack of second-hand properties.