根据信德苏海组织的报告,2024年1月至6月,巴基斯坦信德省101人因与名誉有关的暴力而丧生。 101 killed in honor-related violence in Sindh, Pakistan from Jan-June 2024, per Sindh Suhai Organisation report.
据信德苏海组织报告,2024年1月至6月,在巴基斯坦信德省,101人在与名誉有关的暴力中丧生。 In Sindh, Pakistan, 101 people were killed in honor-related violence from January to June 2024, as reported by the Sindh Suhai Organisation. 大多数杀人事件发生在Jacobabad区。 Most killings occurred in Jacobabad district. 报告着重指出,暴力侵害妇女行为,包括谋杀和骚扰,激增,许多案件未报告,犯罪者很少被追究责任。 The report highlights a surge in violence against women, including murder and harassment, with many cases going unreported and offenders rarely held accountable. 本组织主张在警察局增加女站官,以支持妇女报告问题。 The organization advocates for more women Station House Officers in police stations to support women's reporting of issues.