马来亚大学女权运动俱乐部抗议教授被控向学生发送裸照。 Feminism Club at Universiti Malaya protests professor accused of sending nude photos to students.
马来亚大学女权主义俱乐部于12月20日组织示威, 要求大学对一名被指控向学生发送裸体照片的教授采取行动。 The Feminism Club at Universiti Malaya organized a demonstration on December 20th, demanding the university take action against a professor accused of sending nude photos to students. 大约30名学生和校友聚集一堂, 要求教授停职, 并改进校园安全政策。 About 30 students and alumni gathered, calling for the professor’s suspension and improved campus safety policies. 这是提交大学行政部门的第二份此类备忘录,涉及对报复的恐惧和对大学对骚扰指控的反应缺乏信任的问题。 This is the second such memorandum submitted to the university administration, addressing fears of reprisals and a lack of trust in the university's response to harassment claims.