航空公司的直升机在新西兰的废水网络上进行了5100万美元的最后一次60米长的下水道清理. Airbus helicopter used for final 60m old sewer removal in $51M wastewater network upgrade in New Zealand.
作为耗资5100万美元的废水网络升级的一部分, 新西兰的水利公司Watercare使用空中客车直升机清除了奥马鲁溪的最后60米的旧下水道. Watercare, a New Zealand utility, used an Airbus helicopter to remove the final 60 meters of an old sewer at Omaru Creek as part of a $51 million wastewater network upgrade. 这个项目是与伙伴Fulton Hogan共同执行的,涉及格伦因内斯和英格兰点的过时系统在六个月内退役。 This project, executed with partner Fulton Hogan, involved decommissioning outdated systems in Glen Innes and Point England over six months. 新的基础设施旨在加强复原力,支持增长,并提高效率和维护废水系统。 The new infrastructure aims to enhance resilience, support growth, and improve efficiency and maintenance of the wastewater system.