尼泊尔和世界银行签署1 500万美元的CAT-DDO贷款,用于洪水和山崩后的灾害管理。 Nepal and World Bank sign $150m CAT-DDO loan for disaster management after floods and landslides.
尼泊尔和世界银行已经启动了一项1.5亿美元的优惠贷款协议,目的是通过 " 灾难性推迟缩编选项 " 进行灾害管理。 Nepal and the World Bank have inked a $150 million concessional loan agreement aimed at disaster management through the Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option (CAT-DDO). 这笔资金将协助恢复和重建工作,因为最近发生了破坏性洪水和山崩,造成391人死亡和普遍流离失所。 This funding will assist with recovery and reconstruction following recent devastating floods and landslides that resulted in 391 deaths and widespread displacement. 该协议是在世界银行集团华盛顿年会期间签署的,重点是尼泊尔创造就业和改善基础设施。 The agreement was signed during the World Bank Group's annual meetings in Washington, focusing also on job creation and infrastructure improvements in Nepal.