James和Stella McCartney在伦敦支持Dhani Harrison的音乐会, 在Instagram上分享一张照片。 James and Stella McCartney supported Dhani Harrison's concert in London, sharing a photo together on Instagram.
詹姆斯和斯特拉·麦卡特尼在伦敦参加了一场音乐会,以支持乔治·哈里森的儿子达尼·哈里森。 James and Stella McCartney attended a concert in London to support Dhani Harrison, son of George Harrison. 在后台,他们一起拍了一张James在Instagram上分享的照片,鼓励粉丝检查Dhani的音乐。 Backstage, they took a photo together, which James shared on Instagram, encouraging fans to check out Dhani's music. 这三人都是音乐家,McCartney兄弟姐妹也从事时装和设计职业。 All three are musicians, with the McCartney siblings also pursuing careers in fashion and design. 披头士的子女经常在他们的艺术事业中相互支持与合作,继续他们的父母遗产。 The children of The Beatles frequently support and collaborate with one another in their artistic endeavors, continuing their parents' legacies.