John Lennon的儿子 Julian和Sean 在他们父亲的纽约公寓 共度了一个难得的夜晚 Sons of John Lennon, Julian and Sean, shared a rare evening together at their father's New York apartment.
John Lennon的儿子Julian和Sean 在他们父亲在达科他州的公寓共度了一个难得的夜晚 John Lennon's sons, Julian and Sean, spent a rare evening together at their father's apartment at The Dakota. Julian在Instagram上分享了照片, 包括其中一人亲吻了Sean头部, 另一人亲吻了Sean吃晚饭。 Julian shared photos on Instagram, including one of him giving Sean a kiss on the head and another of Sean enjoying dinner. Julian,61岁,约翰的第一任妻子Cynthia的儿子,对有机会与Sean共度时光表示感谢,Sean是49岁的野野洋子的儿子。 Julian, 61 and son of John's first wife Cynthia, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to spend time with Sean, who is 49 and son of Yoko Ono. 兄弟们很少有机会见面。 The brothers rarely have the chance to meet.