普京军队向基辅和利沃夫发射导弹,对乌克兰发动致命袭击。 Putin forces launch deadly attacks on Ukraine with missile blasts on Kyiv and Lviv.
据报道,俄罗斯军队袭击了乌克兰的基辅和利沃夫,导致波兰由于边境附近军事活动频繁而提高了军事警戒级别。 Russian forces have reportedly attacked Kyiv and Lviv in Ukraine, leading Poland to raise its military alert level due to the intense military activity near its borders. 基辅和利沃夫发生爆炸,但乌克兰防空部队成功限制了损失,乌克兰空军声称摧毁了俄罗斯发射的 29 枚导弹中的 18 枚和 28 架无人机中的 25 架。 Kyiv and Lviv experienced explosions, but Ukrainian air defense forces were successful in limiting the damage, with Ukraine's air force claiming to have destroyed 18 out of 29 missiles and 25 out of 28 drones launched from Russia.