10/17 美国农业部报告称,本销售年度的玉米、大豆、小麦和高粱出口检验速度超过预期。 10/17 USDA reports exceeding corn, soybean, wheat, and sorghum export inspection pace for current marketing year.
据美国农业部报告,截至10月17日,玉米、大豆和小麦的出口检查速度超过了达到当前销售年预测所需的速度。 USDA reports that export inspections for corn, soybean, and wheat as of October 17th are exceeding the pace needed to meet current marketing year projections. 小麦检查达到268 375吨,玉米999 811吨,大豆2 433 530吨,高梁47 472吨。 Wheat inspections reached 268,375 tons, corn at 999,811 tons, soybean at 2,433,530 tons, and sorghum at 47,472 tons. 虽然有些数字比上星期有所下降,但总体业绩表明农民收入有可能增加。 While some figures declined from last week, overall performance suggests potential for higher revenue for farmers. 美国农业部下一次供需报告定于11月8日提交。 USDA's next supply and demand report is due November 8th.