美国玉米收成完成5%,印第安纳为1%,尽管条件干燥,作物评分稳定。 5% of US corn harvest completed, Indiana at 1%, stable crop ratings despite dry conditions.
美国农业部的最新报告显示,美国玉米收成正在进行,完成了5%,而印第安纳的玉米和大豆收成仅完成了1%。 The USDA's latest report indicates the U.S. corn harvest is underway, with 5% completed, while Indiana's corn and soybean harvest is just 1% finished. 尽管干燥的状况影响到溪流,但作物评级保持稳定,印地安那的玉米和大豆占68%,好到好。 Despite dry conditions impacting streams, crop ratings remain stable, with Indiana's corn and soybeans at 68% good-to-excellent. 农民预计产量创纪录,但由于储存过剩,价格可能会下降。 Farmers anticipate record yields, but prices may drop due to surplus storage. 冬季小麦种植如期进行,全国种植2%。 Winter wheat planting is on schedule, with 2% planted nationally.