截至9月22日,14%的美国玉米和13%的大豆收获,超过五年平均数。 14% of U.S. corn and 13% of soybeans harvested as of September 22, exceeding five-year averages.
截至9月22日,14%的美国玉米和13%的大豆被收获,两者均超过五年平均数。 As of September 22, 14% of U.S. corn and 13% of soybeans have been harvested, both exceeding five-year averages. 美国农业部报告说,92%的玉米状况良好,61%的成熟度和65%的评分良好至优秀。 The USDA reports that 92% of corn is in good condition, with 61% matured and 65% rated good to excellent. 对于大豆来说,65%的树叶是落叶,64%的评分良好至优秀。 For soybeans, 65% are dropping leaves, with 64% rated good to excellent. 尽管最近天气干燥,但收成进展仍然强劲,报告持续到11月。 Despite recent dry weather, harvest progress remains strong, with reports continuing through November.