新西兰黑斯廷斯青年理事会赢得各委员会的表决权,增强青年的声音。 The Hastings Youth Council in New Zealand wins voting rights on committees, empowering youth voices.
尽管纳税人联盟反对,新西兰黑斯廷斯青年理事会在各委员会获得了投票权。 The Hastings Youth Council in New Zealand has gained voting rights on committees despite opposition from the Taxpayers' Union. 包括Chris Proctor和Bowen Steffert在内的青年议员主张将青年融入地方政治, Young councillors, including Chris Proctor and Bowen Steffert, advocated for their inclusion in local politics, arguing it empowers youth voices. 已经通过了一项决议,但理事会仍在决定落实这些表决权的进程。 A resolution has been passed, but the council is still determining the process for implementing these voting rights. 该团体还为青年赠款筹集了1 500多美元,以促进社区参与。 The group has also raised over $1500 for youth grants, promoting community engagement.