10 月 19 日,21 岁的大卫·鲍曼 (David Baughman) 在 I-49 州际公路上骑着电动自行车,被一辆 2009 年的别克飞地撞死。 21-year-old David Baughman, riding a motorized bicycle on I-49, was fatally struck by a 2009 Buick Enclave on October 19.
David J. Hurick Baughman, 21岁,10月19日在密苏里州贾斯珀附近的I-49骑着机动自行车时被致命击中。 David J. Hurick Baughman, 21, was fatally struck while riding his motorized bicycle on I-49 near Jasper, Missouri, on October 19. 碰撞发生于晚上8时35分,2009年的BUK Enclave在71岁的Stephen E. Broddle的驱动下,从后面打中了他。 The collision occurred at 8:35 p.m. when a 2009 Buick Enclave, driven by 71-year-old Stephen E. Broddle, hit him from behind. 没有戴头盔的Baughman在现场被宣布死亡。 Baughman, who was not wearing a helmet, was pronounced dead at the scene. Broddle没有受伤。 Broddle was uninjured. 事故原因正在调查中 The accident's cause is under investigation.