9 月 29 日,30 岁的摩托车手 Seth Conyers 在华盛顿州 Selah 附近的一场车祸中死亡,一名 3 岁的孩子被送往医院。 30-year-old motorcyclist Seth Conyers died and a 3-year-old was hospitalized in a crash near Selah, Washington on September 29.
9 月 29 日,在华盛顿州塞拉附近发生一起摩托车事故,导致一人死亡和一名 3 岁儿童住院。 A motorcycle crash on September 29 near Selah, Washington, resulted in one death and a hospitalized 3-year-old. 这名骑手是 30 岁的塞斯·科尼尔斯 (Seth Conyers),他在司机左转时与一辆别克 Enclave 相撞。 The rider, 30-year-old Seth Conyers, collided with a Buick Enclave while the driver turned left. 与此同时,37岁的Grant N.Norwood死于10号州道的一场猛烈的滚动坠毁事故。 Meanwhile, 37-year-old Grant N. Norwood died in a fiery rollover crash on State Route 10. 这两起事件都在调查之中,但毒品或酒精因素不明。 Both incidents are under investigation, with unclear factors regarding drugs or alcohol. 由于摩托车事故,821号州道被短暂关闭。 State Route 821 was briefly closed due to the motorcycle accident.