60岁的摩托车手乔治 W. Wood Jr. 死于10月23日俄亥俄州韦恩县一辆小卡车撞车身亡。 60-year-old motorcyclist George W. Wood Jr. died in a crash with a pickup truck in Wayne County, Ohio, on Oct 23.
10月23日俄亥俄州Wayne县的两辆汽车坠毁造成60岁的摩托车手George W. Wood Jr. 死亡,他在未戴头盔时与一辆小卡车相撞。 A two-vehicle crash in Wayne County, Ohio, on October 23, resulted in the death of 60-year-old motorcyclist George W. Wood Jr., who collided with a pickup truck while not wearing a helmet. 酒精和毒品并不被怀疑为因素。 Alcohol and drugs are not suspected to be factors. 在另一起事件中,一名72岁的骑自行车的名叫John McCandlish的骑自行车者在麦地那州被摩托车撞死。 In a separate incident, a 72-year-old bicyclist named John McCandlish was killed when struck by a motorcycle in Medina County. 18岁的摩托车手 遭受了无生命威胁的伤害 The motorcyclist, 18, sustained non-life-threatening injuries. 正在对这两起事件进行调查。 Both incidents are under investigation.