西澳大利亚州图书馆反对保守团体对性教育书籍的审查企图。 State Library of Western Australia opposes conservative group's censorship attempt on sexual education books.
西澳大利亚州图书馆反对保守团体最近试图限制16岁以上个人获得两本性教育书籍, The State Library of Western Australia has opposed recent censorship attempts by a conservative group seeking to limit access to two sexual education books for individuals over 16. 图书馆在其年度报告中重申其对知识自由和抵制审查的承诺。 In its annual report, the library reaffirmed its commitment to intellectual freedom and resisting censorship. 行政长官凯瑟琳·克拉克强调,必须捍卫这些原则,支持社区图书馆,反对类似的倡议,并警告说,这种审查工作可能会增加。 Chief Executive Catherine Clark highlighted the need to defend these principles and support community libraries against similar initiatives, warning that such censorship efforts may increase.