联邦法官命令阿肯色州克劳福德县取消图书馆里以LGBTQ为主题的书籍的隔离, Federal judge orders Crawford County, Arkansas to desegregate LGBTQ-themed books in libraries, deeming their previous actions unlawful censorship.
一位联邦法官裁定, 阿肯色州克劳福德县违反了第一修正案, 将LGBTQ主题书籍分隔为图书馆的“社会部分”。 A federal judge ruled that Crawford County, Arkansas, violated the First Amendment by segregating LGBTQ-themed books into a "social section" in libraries. 法官命令这些书籍重新普遍发行,指出该县的行动构成非法审查,限制人们查阅各种观点。 The judge ordered these books to be returned to general circulation, stating the county's actions constituted unlawful censorship and restricted access to diverse viewpoints. 裁决要求平等对待所有图书馆材料,保护男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者群体的权利。 The ruling mandates that all library materials be treated equally, protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community.