墨西哥规定学校在六个月内禁止垃圾食品, Mexico mandates junk food ban in schools within six months, offering fines and healthier options.
墨西哥学校必须在六个月内禁止垃圾食品销售或罚款545美元至5 450美元。 Mexican schools must ban junk food sales within six months or face fines ranging from $545 to $5,450. 该倡议解决了墨西哥严重的儿童肥胖危机,三分之一的儿童超重,是拉丁美洲垃圾食品消费最高的国家。 This initiative addresses Mexico's critical childhood obesity crisis, with one-third of children overweight and the highest junk food consumption in Latin America. 学校还将提供更健康的选择,如水和豆豆玉米饼。 Schools will also provide healthier options, like water and bean tacos. 然而,只有4%的人可以免费获得饮用水,这引起了对执法和资源充足性的担忧。 However, only 4% have free drinking water available, raising concerns about enforcement and resource adequacy.